Challenges facing the public sector
The pressures on public services are increasing following COVID-19, Brexit and a decade of austerity. Demand for services is rising and more complex, while tax revenues are pressured. If public sector organisations are to be sustainable, they need to do something different. At Gate One, we are experts in supporting the public sector do just that.
Leading and aligning services around the population
If public sector organisations are to deliver best value for the taxpayer, they need to work better together around the needs of their local populations. We help public sector organisations work together across health, care, education, justice and place. We work with leaders and leadership teams to lead more strategically.
Organisational and operational change
We are living in a rapidly changing world and public sector organisations are often at the front of this. They need to break down silos, better organise around the needs of their service users, optimise data, technology, process and governance and have the ability to test approaches and change direction as needed – all without compromising taxpayer value.
Digital advancements
Service users increasingly expect to receive high-quality, multi-channel experiences across various touchpoints in their customer journey while public sector organisations are expected to do more with less, maximise efficiencies and drive out waste. Ensuring digital investments best support your organisation’s strategic objectives, designing solutions with the end user in mind and seamless delivery are all critical to the citizen experience.
Who we work with
We are an existing supplier on a wide range of public sector frameworks.
We are on several Crown Commercial Services frameworks:
- DOS 5
- MCF3 (Lot 5 – HR & OD; Lot 7 – Health & Social Care)
- ELIS Group Transformation Change Framework 2.0
- Coillte’s Sustainability Consultancy Services Framework (Lot 3 – People, Organisation and Behaviour; Lot 5 – Business Practices
- Irish Public Sector Relet (Lot 1 and 7- Business Strategy and Operations; Lot 2 and 8 – Organisational Change Management and Transformation; Lot 3 and 9 – Project, Programme and Portfolio Management (P3M); Lot 13 – Multi-Disciplinary Lot)
Central government
We bring experience from the wider public sector to help clients overcome their biggest challenges and achieve their strategic priorities through digital transformation, service redesign and culture change.
Local authorities
We design, deliver and embed change from targeted service improvements to organisation-wide operating model redesign, enabling local governments to deliver more with less.
Policing and justice
We bring experience from the wider public sector to support crime and justice clients with their transformation agendas across a range of policy areas, including victims and serious violence reduction.
Higher education institutions must evolve their offer if they are to provide an exceptional student experience that delivers a competitive advantage. We help these institutions navigate competing challenges, marrying our expertise with data analysis and insights.
We work with healthcare commissioners, providers, regulators and care systems to deliver the shift to integrated care. We help healthcare organisations transform to deliver quality care in a way that is sustainable today and tomorrow.
Housing, third and charitable sector
With a shifting political landscape, digital advances are giving these sectors exciting possibilities to improve services and delivery. We help clients exploit these opportunities to deliver lasting change.
Our Credentials
We are privileged to be working with some of the largest public sector bodies on their complex change programmes. View some of their stories here.
Meet some of our team

Il possède une gamme de compétences au sein de la stratégie, la gestion des données, la direction de projets et la conception de modèles opérationnels. Ces compétences sont le fruit de huit années d’expérience dans la direction des programmes majeurs dans un éventail de secteurs par exemple la vente au détail, l’hôtellerie, la santé et les services financiers.
James est diplômé en économie de Sciences-Po Paris et de l’Université de Cardiff. Il est bilingue français-anglais (niveau DALF C2).

If you would like to speak to us about how we can help you transform your services and deliver value to taxpayers, please contact Nick Kennell.
If you would like to speak to us about how we can help you transform your services and deliver value to taxpayers, please contact Scott Ellis.