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The challenge

A European airline was not keeping pace with the demand for change, due to legacy technology infrastructure limiting their ability to produce and take to market new propositions.

In response, they procured a merchandising platform to enable them to sell the right products, at the right price, personalised to the customer, to market at pace. However, they still had in place siloed teams, inefficient processes and unclear accountabilities.

This challenge required a holistic approach, and alongside the technology delivery partner, Gate One was asked to develop a target operating model to set the organisation up to be a market leader in developing and selling propositions.

The approach

We worked with key stakeholders to deliver a product lifecycle transformation. We then designed an agile target operating model to deliver this strategy through the following phases:

  • set strategic direction;
  • as-is assessment of current state against target state;
  • developed a target capability framework and identified the gaps across the organisation in this framework;
  • developed a target state way of working, including agile, cross functional mission-oriented squads focussed on the development and trading of new propositions;
  • delivered a pilot squad model and took learnings to remodel the squads, setting them up for future success; and
  • built an implementation plan to transition to this way of working in line with the technology release.

The results

  • The business is set up to maximise the value of the merchandising platform and transition to a holistic operating model spanning customer, marketing, trading and pricing management.
  • Increased market level revenue (monthly revenue +11% above plan in 2nd full month trading)
  • Increased efficiency, empowered staff and increased customer traffic

Summary of work

  • Operating model
  • Target state definition
  • Capability mapping
  • Revenue growth