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The Crown Prosecution Service appointed us, in partnership with Crest Advisory, to support the improvement of engagement and communication with victims, their response to victims’ needs and the provision of support for victims and witnesses of crime. The challenge was to set out a range of victim-informed options for what good could look like, and how the service could be transformed to uplift victim experience.

Through workshops, focus groups and interviews with senior leaders and operational staff, as well as selected groups of victims, we developed a diverse set of options outlining the potential service response to the problem. This considered operating model transformation alongside service improvement.

To provide a recommended model, we used a range of assessment methods to analyse the likely benefits of each option, as well as the disruption involved in the delivery and required skills needed for success. We used real case studies to map the improvements in experience of the preferred model to key moments of the victims’ journey. Leveraging the HM Treasury Green Book five-case model, we developed a strategic outline business case for the preferred model including high-level costings. We also built a transformation plan outlining how the client could sequence the redesign, as well as identifying areas to pilot other design options to test their impact to best inform their long-term transformation aspiration.

Summary of work

  • Service design research
  • Impact analysis
  • Development of victim journeys
  • Business case development