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SIGN UP FOR OUR INSIGHTS | Nurturing change that transforms

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Our client, an NHS acute trust, needed significant capital funding to renovate and transform the main acute hospital site. This investment was necessary to increase capacity, support an improved patient experience and optimise patient pathways to deliver a more modern, efficient and higher-quality service.

We provided a senior healthcare leader to act as the trust’s director of strategy. We held executive accountability for developing a business case to secure £350m in capital funding to redevelop the hospital and led the development of new clinical models and partnerships to deliver the highest-quality healthcare for the local population.

Our work included leading:

  • the options development to determine both the new clinical model and the best value-for-money options for investment
  • the development of a new clinical partnership with a local specialist trust to bring better access to world leading clinical care
  • negotiations and engagement with regulators to secure the in-principle funding agreements to enable the development to proceed.

Gate One provided really strong communication skills, the ability to work with different people and make the right connections.

NHS acute trust chief executive

Summary of work

  • Strategy
  • Business case development
  • Partnerships
  • Portfolio prioritisation
  • Programme management