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Adding Gate One to your white list to ensure you receive our emails.

Please follow the instructions below to add our email domain,, to your email providers’ white list so that emails from Gate One will always land in your inbox.

AOL 9 email provider:

  • Open the email from sender
  • Click the ‘add address’ icon on the right hand side.
  • Click ‘OK’

AOL Netmail email provider:

  • Open the email from sender
  • Click the ‘add address’ icon on the right hand side.
  • Click ‘OK’.

Gmail email provider:

  • Open the email from sender
  • Click the small triangular arrow next to ‘reply’ on right hand side of header.
  • Click ‘OK’.

GMX provider:

  • Open the email from sender
  • Click ‘not spam’ to move this e-mail back to the ‘Inbox’ folder.
  • Click ‘OK’.

If you don’t have an email in your junkmail folder to whitelist, you can add the domain to the whitelist in GMX.

  1. Click on ‘settings’.
  2. Select ‘whitelist’.
  3. Enter
  4. Click on ‘save’.

Hotmail email provider:

  • Open the email from sender
  • Click ‘mark as safe’ button in email header.
  • Then click ‘add contact’ in email header.

Lotus Notes 7 email provider:

  • Open the email from sender
  • Click the ‘tools’ tab’.
  • Click the ‘add sender to address book’ button.

MSN 8 email provider:

  • Open the email from sender
  • Click ‘save addresses’ on top right hand side.
  • Tick the box for the email address you wish to save.
  • Click OK.

Netscape 6 or 7 email provider:

  • Open the email from sender
  • Click the ‘add address’ icon on the right hand side.
  • Click ‘OK’.

Outlook 2007/2010 email provider:

  • Open the email from sender
  • Right mouse button click on sender or in the from field.
  • Click ‘add to Outlook contacts’ on the menu.
  • Click ‘save and close’.

Outlook 2003 email provider:

  • Open the email from sender
  • Right mouse button click on sender in the ‘from’ field.
  • Click ‘add to Outlook contacts’ on the menu.

Outlook 2000 email provider

  • Open the email from sender
  • Right mouse button click on sender in the ‘from’ field.
  • Click ‘add to Outlook contacts’ on the menu.
  • Click ‘OK’.

Outlook Express 6 provider:

  • Open the email from sender
  • Right mouse button click on sender in the ‘from’ field.
  • Click ‘add to address book’ link.
  • Click ‘OK’.

Yahoo Mail provider:

  • Open the email from sender
  • Click the ‘add’ link in the header.
  • Click ‘ add checked contact’.
  • Press ‘OK’.