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Does AI mean creativity is under crisis?

There is a real conversation and anxiety around the role of AI and creativity – if AI can generate art, stories and ideas, do we need to even be creative anymore? However, there is a real opportunity for AI to accelerate our creativity. We believe AI is a tool, not a solution and when used in the right way, it can even prompt creativity from those of us who do not think of ourselves as ‘creatives’, opening up possibilities and getting us out of creative slumps.

We caught up with Laura Fenton to explore how AI can be leveraged as a tactical tool for businesses and its potential to better enhance leadership skills within organisations.

Watch the video or read the full transcript below.

Does AI mean creativity is in crisis?

Well, the fact is creativity scores have been declining for years now. Could AI be our opportunity to unleash masses of creativity that have been stifled since the Industrial Revolution? We’ve seen work as linear, we’ve moved away from the cycles of nature and actually our inspiration has been limited by that linear way that we work. We’re very much structured around these nine to five roles. And actually, could AI give us an opportunity to break free of those?

We need to flip the idea that AI is stifling creativity on its head. It’s a massive opportunity to drive more creativity in everything we do at work. AI can be your creative assistant, confidant, PA and everything in between, so that you’ve got time for the big ideas. Creativity is all about creating innovative solutions to the most complex problems that we have.

AI can be a really tactical tool that can help us improve as leaders. Leadership is about fostering innovation. There are tools out there that can tell us whether we’re questioning effectively whether we’re a stream of consciousness, or whether we’re allowing other people to speak and have the space that they need in an organisation. These AI tools are built to improve our leadership skills, which is absolutely remarkable and a game changer for the industry. The first steps on our journey with AI is to get on board and use it, experiment and have fun. If we want to drive engagement as leaders in organisations, the way to do it is to make people enjoy their work.

How can you enable people, how can you enable your teams to be creative? How can you allow them the space to experiment with AI? And how can you do that yourself too? It’s all about just experimentation and enjoying the journey when thinking about the future and how AI is going to play a part in that. And the more we can get on board, the more we can build out better solutions using AI.

Creativity is not just for leaders. Creativity is not just for artists, it’s for all of us. And AI is making that opportunity even bigger.

Laura Fenton

At Gate One, we love helping businesses tap into the power of creativity to deliver more innovative and better outcomes. Our creativity toolkit offers a resource for breaking free from conventional thinking patterns and contains a curated selection of strategies and techniques to ignite creativity within your organisation.

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