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As part of Gate One’s wider celebration of International Women’s Day with the theme of #Accelerate Action, we kicked off the celebrations in our London office last week. We set up a book swap of female authors while encouraging our team to share ideas on what #AccelerateAction could mean for Gate One.

In addition, we’ve encouraged our teams to share personal stories using this year’s theme of ‘accelerate action’, including how to support gender equity across both Gate One and in wider society.

Bethany Langan
Senior Consultant

International Women's Day is a powerful reminder to celebrate the achievements of women, whilst reminding us of the work still to be done to achieve true equality. At Gate One, we're pushing for change by creating a supportive and inclusive workplace where everyone's voice matters. As part of our Gender Equity Employee Resource Group, we know this is an ongoing conversation and are looking at what we can do over the course of the year, not just on one day. It's a work in progress, but it's great to be involved in making real and lasting change.

On this IWD, there are several ways anyone can make their support and allyship known. Firstly, awareness. It’s obvious, but awareness takes effort, and effort is hard! Our brains are hardwired for the path of least resistance, but the more you inform yourself the more you will find your own opportunities for action. Secondly, intentionality. Take your awareness and make it an intentional action, and thirdly, money! As the musical Cabaret reminds us, money indeed makes the world go round. It doesn’t all have to be through the form of donations, but where you spend your money has a tremendous impact. So next time you want make a purchase, ask yourself if there is a women-owned brand or shop that you could support instead.

Tara Servati

Rob Bradshaw
Client Director

Reflecting on my role as an ally, one of the most powerful things I have learned is when to step back and when to step in. The theme for this year’s IWD is #AccelerateChange. Data from the World Economic Forum shows that at the current rate of progress, it will take until 2158 (around five generations) to reach full gender parity, which shows how far we still have to go. Through our work, with clients and my colleagues at Gate One, I am very conscious of my voice, as a man, and as a leader. There are times when I need to step back, creating space for others to share their ideas, opinions and perspectives. There are also times when I need to step in, to encourage female voices and provide the opportunity to bring in diverse perspectives and create a more inclusive workplace. It is a known fact that women are interrupted more than men, there is research which backs this. I encourage people to read the room or the screen, creating space for diverse perspectives.

With this year’s IWD theme of #AccelerateAction, the book I donated for our Gate One book swap was The Authority Gap by Mary Ann Sieghart. It focuses on how women are taken less seriously than men in all walks of life and what we can do to take action. There was a very interesting section in this book that stuck with me. For the top 10 female best-selling authors, only 19% of their readers are men, but for the top 10 best-selling male authors, the split is much more even. This year to #AccelerateAction, I’d really like to encourage men to consider picking up a more intentional read by a female author.

Sonia Cochet
Chief People Officer

Tara Servati

At Gate One we’re passionate about creating a culture and space for open discussion and learning with the overall objective of ensuring Gate One is an inclusive place to work.

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